Thursday, October 14, 2010

Storyline Writeup

Storyline Writeup

Now, to start preparing for event #2!


  1. looks good. Questions: If an uncontrolled powerbase is burned, does it leave play?

    If a powerbase is controlled and burned, does it go to the controller's ash heap?

    Also, if the Old Guard has no crypt restrictions, does that include grouping?

  2. Great questions.

    1. If an uncontrolled powerbase is burned, it's gone. Hopefully the other players will try and stop that, but you never know!

    2. If a controlled powerbase is burned, it would simply be removed from play.

    3. The Old guard has none of the stoyline's additional crypt restrictions and are still help by the normal game rules.

    If there are any more questions, just let me know!

  3. What is the story with "Faction Leaders"?

  4. The faction leaders will play a huge role in the follow up event, but I didn't want to reprint the faction cards for later.

    Basically, each faction will start with their faction leader in play, uncontrolled in the center of the table. During a Methuselah's influence phase, they may use four transfers, tap their favor and pay a pool to take control of the leader.

    During you untap phase, if your faction leader is in torpor you burn a pool. If they are ready and do not have full blood, one of your vampires must give them a blood or you must pay them a pool. If they are ever burned or removed from play, their faction favor is permanently tapped and all faction specific cards are burned!

    Hopefully there should be lots of competition within a faction to take control of the leaders and their destruction should be a priority.

    ...but this is for another day. I just wanted to set up the next event!
