Friday, October 8, 2010

Possible Revised Card Texts

After our first match, I've come up with a couple of ideas to revise the event cards. Nothing is final of course, but this is what I've come up with.
Power Base Oakland
Master. Unique Location. 1 Pool.
Each time a minion, retainer, location or item is burned, put a counter on this card. Any minion may take a (D) action to burn all counters from this card, for each counter burned the Methuselah who controls PB Oakland gains a pool. Tap this card to reduce the cost of a weapon by 1 (never below 0) or tap this card and burn X counters to reduce the cost of a weapon by X (never below 0). Any minion may takes control of this card as a (D) action. Anarchs receive +1 stealth on this action.

The Sabbat Invasion needs some help, so here are a couple of ideas for revision:

Holy Warriors of the Sabbat
You may not gain pool unless this card is untapped. Holy Warriors of the Sabbat begins play tapped and does not untap as normal. Untap this card when you gain control of the edge. You may not gain pool when you do not have the edge. Tap this card to give each unique Black Hand vampire your control a vote against the current referendum. During your discard phase, if you have the edge and control an untapped Sabbat
vampire, your prey burns 1 pool. During your influence phase, if your faction leader is ready and this card is untapped, you may spend four transfers and pay a pool to move your faction leader to your ready region.

Possible replacement for Hand Archives:

Rite of Vitae
Master. Sabbat Invasion.
Tap this card after a round of combat after one of your vampires successfully inflicts damage to gain blood equal to the damage inflicted. 

I'm short on time, but this is what I have so far. Ideas are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe for the Sabbat Invasion it should be "tap this card to allow any unique Black Hand vampire to burn a blood for a vote".
